Water and vegetables - healthy fruit.

by 99feary | 04:21 in |

Cool water, vegetable recipes - fruit.

Recipe for making a wide variety of juices upon to garnish to taste the
Pleasurable. The formula used to suggest the following. Is a simple fruit juice. But valuable nutrients fully ever.

Kiwi water.
Kiwi has vitamin C in the calcium straight Pro Inc. and Sierra Hybrids are small proteins, enzymes help. Nothing more ingredients by using only the Kiwi meat syrup 6 results 1 - 1 / 2 water, cook 3 Tgwitwg Tgwitwg salt 1 / 2 teaspoon of the Kiwi is the shell. Kiwi meat is split small pieces enter the chamber manipulation include syrup, water and salt, cook until well blended into detail. Kiwi green water to clear water to be chilled with ice or drink. Fresh sweet sweet delicious.

Carrot water.
Is equally valuable as a high Vitamin A Vitamin B 1 B 2 and vitamin C. Carl Boeing Heidelberg policeman fiber iron calcium, protein, phosphorus and anti-cancer agents in gastric and bowel ingredients including carrot shred small pieces. The 1 Tgwitwg syrup 1 Tgwitwg 4 Tgwitwg cooking water 2 tbsp lime juice 2 tsp salt, then place the jar top spin syrup lime juice, salt water, cook the delicate manipulation details. Carrot is water. Mouthwatering colors.

Water rose apple.
With Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin fiber carbohydrate phosphorus calcium iron resolve dry throat moist. Relieve cough and reduce phlegm is effervescent light, fresh ingredients, including 4 of the rose apple syrup 1 / 2 Tgwitwg 3 Tgwitwg cooking water 1 teaspoon salt, then put a spin jump. Add syrup, water, salt and cook for detailed manipulation. Water rose apple is tasty.

Grape recipes for the slow.

Prevent heart disease.
And to slow.

2 cups purple grapes.
Syrup 1 tbsp.
1 cup cooking water.
Salt ½ tsp.

How to do.
1. Clear grapes to clean several water.
2. Transect half grape picking grape seeds put out in the shaker.
3. Ngmsuk add 1 cup blended finished water filters only grapes.
4. Add syrup and salt to another person.
5. Tech put a glass of ice or soaking in the refrigerator before served.

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